Saturday, 5 December 2015

Amber Rose: It’s Wrong Of You To Tell Women To Use Men For Money

Courtesy of Instagram

Amber Rose is getting major backlash for a recent interview where she said that she hopes her book ‘How To Be A Bad B*tch’ will teach women how to seduce men to get money! This is so offensive and sending the complete wrong message to women everywhere!

Amber Rose, 32, you need to get a clue! We should be empowering women to be independent and not to rely on men, especially financially. Your recent interview with TIME Magazine was totally offensive and I’m glad that you’re getting heat for it because it’s wrong and goes against everything strong women have worked for over a centuries!

What happened to women being breadwinners, women being independent financially and learning to rely on themselves? Since when did it become a good message to tell women to rely on their sexuality to get what they want in return? You said: “As women, we’re fortunate enough to use our seductive skills in order to be able to get money from our significant others. I also talk about seduction in the book. A lot of women don’t know how to seduce a man. It is extremely easy once you get to that point, and you can get anything you want out of them. And I know it might sound messed up, but once you get to that point, it’s not using. It’s not using a man, it’s literally getting what you want by any means necessary.” Wrong! This is just nuts that this is the type of thing that you would want young impressionable women to read in your book How To Be A Bad B*tch.
I would have expected you, as an independent woman, who is so outspoken when it comes to so many things involving female empowerment, would not promote such backwards thinking. I know you took a moment to respond to fans and you asked what’s wrong with asking your significant other for financial help but that’s not what you said in your interview.

Amber Rose @DaRealAmberRose
Lol y'all are so Corny So it's wrong to ask ur "Significant other" (The person u care about) to help u financially so u can reach ur goal?

 When you’re in a longterm relationship or married, there’s nothing wrong with leaning on your partner to achieve your goals. But you said that women are “fortunate enough to use our seductive skills” to “get money” from the men in our lives. Just when I thought you were a feminist and onboard with female equality and empowerment, you just proved you are not. I’m so disappointed that a woman with your reach in the world would promote such an old stereotype instead of telling women that you don’t need a man to achieve your dreams.

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