Friday, 4 December 2015

Kim Kardashian ‘Totally Jealous’ Of Skinny Moms: How Do They Lose Baby Weight?

Kim Kardashian Skinny Moms

Kim Kardashian has one of the most amazing bodies in the world, but on Dec. 4 she revealed she’s ‘totally jealous and envious’ of other Hollywood moms that can lose the baby weight quicker! Here’s what we know.

Kim Kardashian, 35, can’t believe how quickly other stars lose weight after having kids! She admitted on Dec. 4 that she’s “totally jealous and envious” of skinny celeb mommies, and that she has no idea how they do it! See what else she said, here.

Kim is the queen of hot bodies. Her booty may be heralded worldwide, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t face the same insecurities that all new moms do, just weeks from giving birth to her second child! Well, most new moms. There are a select few that bounce back immediately, looking better than ever. Those lucky ladies have Kim just as confused as us! She took to her website to share her astonishment. “A few weeks to go and 60 pounds up! I look at other celebrities and Instagram girls who are literally so skinny right after giving birth. How is that possible?!?!” We feel you, Kim!

Kim isn’t pointing any fingers or accusing stars of hurting themselves to lose the pounds, but she definitely wants answers. “I’m not saying anyone is being unhealthy or not doing it the right way, but how do they lose weight and look so good so fast?!” If only we knew! Kate Middleton, Blake Lively, and even Kim’s sister Kourtney lost the baby weight shockingly fast and came out looking even better than before. But before Kim turns to Kourt for advice, she should give herself some credit. She covered Paper magazine butt naked just one year after giving birth to North, so she knows a thing or two about bouncing back.

Luckily, Kim knows that she’s doing the right thing for her body, despite getting a little jealous sometimes. “Am I totally jealous and envious? Yes! But I also feel very confident that I am doing what works for my body type.” Good for you, Kimmy! Keep up the good work, and don’t forget to rest for a bit once your new bundle of joy is finally here!

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